
Three Gift Ideas For Your Taurus Friend

By Megan O'Neill / May 15, 2023 / Comments Off on Three Gift Ideas For Your Taurus Friend

  Okay, so it is Taurus season, and I’m a bit late. It started at the end of April, but now we’re into May, and many birthdays are still coming up in my life for my little Taurus friends, including my daughter, who is turning 19. So I thought I would share some of my…

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Your Ascendant Can Help You in Your Business and Personal Life.

By Megan O'Neill / April 30, 2023 / Comments Off on Your Ascendant Can Help You in Your Business and Personal Life.

  I have a Taurus daughter (April 20th- May 21st), which you can’t plan, but I also have close Taurus friends, which I always thought was strange for a Gemini sun sign until I learned about the function of my Rising (Ascendant) and my Descendant. The two opposite points in your natal chart hold information…

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3 Tips to Find Your Birth Time

By Megan O'Neill / April 3, 2023 / Comments Off on 3 Tips to Find Your Birth Time

  Geez, Louise, I can’t find my birthtime. Does it matter for a chart reading? Yes, it does. We want to know your “Big Three” Sun, Moon and Rising ( ascendant), and the rising shifts every 2 hours on average. The rising, often referred to as your social mask, is the first thing people see…

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Aries Reese Witherspoon, Bravery and Breaking Up

By Megan O'Neill / March 28, 2023 / Comments Off on Aries Reese Witherspoon, Bravery and Breaking Up

  A couple of days ago, on March 20th, the sun entered the zodiac sun of Aries. It is the first sign of the twelve and one to be admired; Aries people seem to be all brave and passionate and ready to bust through the seams in their energy. One Aries I admire tremendously is…

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Astrology Help Mid-Life Relationship Change?

By Megan O'Neill / March 23, 2023 / Comments Off on Astrology Help Mid-Life Relationship Change?

  In midlife,  people often look to astrology for predictions about major life events like relationships and divorce. Is this a good time to get serious in a relationship? Is this the time to break it off? Can astrology help someone make the future a little more predictable? Yes, there are significant transits that make…

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Sara Blakely: A Pisces Business Guide To Millions

By MeganO / March 16, 2023 / Comments Off on Sara Blakely: A Pisces Business Guide To Millions

  Sara Blakely is one of my favourite entrepreneurs ever and an excellent example of Pisces’s gentle strength to grow their business. I first saw Sara on Oprah Winfrey in 2006 when she presented a cheque for a million dollars live on air to Oprah’s girl’s school in South Africa. She shared her story to…

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The Big Three: Sun, Moon and Rising

By MeganO / March 6, 2023 / Comments Off on The Big Three: Sun, Moon and Rising

  Astrology has been misunderstood, misrepresented, and seen in a corny pop culture way. I see astrology as a tool, nothing more, nothing less. As Astrologer Steven Forrest says, “Astrology can vividly portray the happiest life for us. It can tell us what tools are available for the job and how best to employ them.”…

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Can You Find Your Path Through Astrology?

By MeganO / February 28, 2023 / Comments Off on Can You Find Your Path Through Astrology?

    Can you find your path through astrology? According to my natal chart, relationships are my thing, as in my astrological thing. I was born with my sun in the seventh house, which governs relationships to others, particularly one-on-one and long-term relationships like marriage and my BFF. In other words, I am here in…

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Pisces New Moon: A Spiritual Time

By MeganO / February 21, 2023 / Comments Off on Pisces New Moon: A Spiritual Time

I recently spoke to a group of introverted Entrepreneurs describing how they can use their zodiac natal chart to help them expand their businesses. We have natural strengths influenced by the constellation when we are born. For example, those born under the zodiac sign of Cancer have the strong ability to nurture. As a result,…

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Rachel Rodgers: Astro Star of the Month!

By MeganO / February 14, 2023 / Comments Off on Rachel Rodgers: Astro Star of the Month!

Lean into your sun sign strengths for business growth! In launching my new astrology service, I’ve had lots of fun working with old clients to find their natal sun’s greatest strengths. So it made me curious to study my favourite entrepreneur’s zodiac charts to see how their their star power plays out in their business…

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