Megan O'Neill

Shine Bright in Your Career with Sun Sign Superpowers

By Megan O'Neill / July 4, 2024 / Comments Off on Shine Bright in Your Career with Sun Sign Superpowers

  Changing your path can be really frightening, especially when it comes to your career. Over the years, I’ve taken less-traveled and often outside-the-box routes, even certifying in astrology! This journey has required a lot of mindset work, which is ongoing. I value understanding what excites me and what’s not in my zone of genius.…

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 Unlock Your Inner Gemini: Communication Tips for Your Mercury Sign

By Megan O'Neill / June 23, 2024 / Comments Off on  Unlock Your Inner Gemini: Communication Tips for Your Mercury Sign

  In my latest episode of my podcast Stars and Hearts, I wanted to dive deep into the world of love, relationships, and the incredible journey of self-discovery. Today, I want to talk about something that’s close to my Gemini heart—communication. Specifically, how your Mercury sign influences your communication style and how understanding this can…

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Couple’s Trip: Are You Ready? Read my simple zodiac guide to travelling compatibility

By Megan O'Neill / June 13, 2024 / Comments Off on Couple’s Trip: Are You Ready? Read my simple zodiac guide to travelling compatibility

    I decided early on in my relationship with my boyfriend, now my husband with that I would carry on my backpack travels no matter our relationship standing. As a person who worked as a contractor in the film  industry it was normal to go travelling often for months in between shows. This time…

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8 Steps to Manifest Your Ideal Relationship During the Sagittarius Full Moon

By Megan O'Neill / May 23, 2024 / Comments Off on 8 Steps to Manifest Your Ideal Relationship During the Sagittarius Full Moon

      Embracing the Full Moon in Sagittarius: 8 Steps to Manifest Your Ideal Relationship   Today, we are blessed with the full moon in the sign of Sagittarius. This celestial event holds special significance for many of us, especially those with strong Sagittarian influences. As a Gemini with a natal moon in Sagittarius,…

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The Key Ingredient to a Good Communication: Good Ol’ Patience

By Megan O'Neill / May 3, 2024 / Comments Off on The Key Ingredient to a Good Communication: Good Ol’ Patience

  Hey there! Megan O’Neill here, your go-to gal for all things love and communication. You know, diving into a new relationship can feel a bit like stirring a pot of your favourite stew. It’s exciting, a bit unpredictable, and definitely requires a dash of patience—especially when it comes to talking things out. A Tale…

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7 Zodiac Sign That Know How to Hustle in Business

By Megan O'Neill / April 29, 2024 / Comments Off on 7 Zodiac Sign That Know How to Hustle in Business

Step into the world of hustle and ambition with these seven zodiac signs. In the realm of business and entrepreneurship, specific astrological influences drive individuals to thrive in the hustle culture often promoted by modern-day business influencers. From dynamic go-getters to strategic planners, each sign brings its unique strengths to the table. One reminder: we…

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Inside the Heart of a Taurus

By Megan O'Neill / April 21, 2024 / Comments Off on Inside the Heart of a Taurus

  I’ve got a special insight into Taurus folks because some of my closest friends and clients proudly wear this sign. They’re incredibly loyal, down-to-earth, and they’re my favourite buddies for exploring new restaurants and indulging in anything fashion-related. Plus, I’ve been right there with them as they navigate the complex world of love and…

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Mercury Retrograde: An Opportunity For Growth

By Megan O'Neill / April 15, 2024 / Comments Off on Mercury Retrograde: An Opportunity For Growth

    Mercury Retrograde began on April 1st and continues until April 25th. In the world of business astrology, we often fear Mercury Retrograde due to anticipated tech hiccups or mishaps. So, what exactly do astrologers mean when they talk about Mercury Retrograde? First, let’s clarify what we mean by Mercury in astrology. Astrologers believe…

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Step Out of Your Relationship Comfort Zone

By Megan O'Neill / April 14, 2024 / Comments Off on Step Out of Your Relationship Comfort Zone

  Entering into the dating world after a long-term relationship can feel daunting. You may find yourself grappling with deeply ingrained beliefs and habits that once felt secure but now seem to limit your potential for happiness in new relationships. As a Belief and Mindset Coach specializing in relationships, I often encounter individuals who face…

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Five Steps to Hope and Positivity in Post-Breakup Dating

By Megan O'Neill / April 9, 2024 / Comments Off on Five Steps to Hope and Positivity in Post-Breakup Dating

  Navigating the dating world as a single parent post-divorce can feel daunting. The journey might have left scars, creating a mix of hope and hesitation as you ponder opening your heart again. But, as someone who has coached women on building supportive romantic relationships for over twenty years, I want to share a perspective…

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