Work with Me

Are you ready for deep transformation?

You are a soulful woman who has the goods but doesn’t feel the confidence to lean in and show yourself to the world. You’ve invested your heart and hopes into relationships previously, but fears and old wounds are blocking you from moving into a new relationship.

You know you have crazy fears and resistance getting in your way. You’ve tried courses, positive self-talk, coaching & anything else to get rid of those negative voices, but they still get in the way. You’re tired of just managing. You want deep change, once and for all.

It’s time to get that specialized attention that will break through your blocks and get you feeling your clarity, confidence, and connection to your authentic self!

Luckily, you’re in the right place to tackle all of that. I can help you get off the dating merry go round and on the path to a mutually supportive relationship that feels easy.

Magnolia and Sage Stock

Stars and Hearts Group Program

The Stars and Hearts is a 3-month experience designed to support you in growing your relationship confidence gently, sustainably and consciously.

  • Stars and Hearts is a high-level intensive group coaching astrology-relationship program. 
  • There are six modules delivered weekly.
  • The training is released in weekly modules within the course membership site. 
  • In addition to our welcome call, we will have a live coaching call during each module of that week's content release. 
  • Each module is filled with a workbook and a PDF worksheet for your own personal use.

This program is designed for you if you are a soulful woman whose comfort zone has become too comfortable. You have the 'goods' but don't feel the confidence to lean in and show yourself to a potential love interest.

In the past, you've invested your heart and hopes into relationships, but fears and procrastination are blocking you from moving into an 'easy relationship.' Relationships don't have to be games and withdrawal; they can be fun, easy and fulfilling.

Stars and Hearts teaches women the star skills within plus my tried and true methods for a long and aligned relationship. It's time to get that specialized attention that will break through your blocks and get you feeling your clarity, confidence, and connection to your authentic self!

Astrological Business Mindset 12-Week Program

The Business Astrology Mindset Package will give your mindset an instant bang. This is my signature program and what I have known for over 21 years. So if you’re ready to embrace your ambition instead of apologizing and play with the big girls, this program is for you!

No more trying to DIY fears or blocks and mindset work. That’s for women who don’t want to bet on themselves. You do.

The Business Astrology Mindset Program is a premium package for women who understand they need to invest in themselves and a strong mindset to confidently reach multiple six-figure successes and beyond.


AstroLove Mastery Coaching Program

Ready to receive gentle 1:1 high-level support for big relationship shifts? Perhaps traditional counselling is not getting you the results you desire. So many previous clients need a different approach that I offer.

The AstroLove Mastery Coaching Package, grounded in experience, is about rediscovering self-worth and building a secure emotional base, aiming for the love you truly deserve.

- Overcome trust issues and past disappointments.
- Achieve emotional security in relationships.
- Address fears of sabotage from past traumas.
- Create and maintain positive, loving connections.
- Heal past wounds to enjoy current relationships fully.

The AstroLove Mastery Mindset Program offers personalized support, focusing on transforming relationship blocks into pathways for deep, meaningful connections.

No more trying to DIY fears or blocks and mindset work. That’s for women who don't think they are worth the investment. You do.

The AstroLove Mastery Mindset Program is a premium package for women who want to understand themselves better and gentle support from an experienced hand. That's me.

Black Woman in White

AstroBusiness Session 

The AstroBusiness Session will give your business mindset an instant bang.

An AstroBusiness session, is like having a heart-to-heart with a friend who's here to guide you through the cosmic insights of business dynamics. Together, we'll unlock  your business strengths using astrology, directly addressing the concerns you've shared, such as your bigger purpose.

Our session offers a look at marketing, your ideal soul clients and communication. Plus it isn't just about growing your business; they're about infusing joy and innovative thinking into your work.

The Business Astrology Mindset Session is a premium package for women who understand they need to invest in themselves and a strong mindset to confidently reach multiple six-figure successes and beyond. No generic app instead tailored to just you.

Summer special for a short time! SUMMER25

Megan ONiell personal brand

AstroLove Session 

Ready to find the relationship that truly resonates with your soul? Join me for a transformative Relationship Astrology Mindset Session, where we’ll explore your astrological blueprint to uncover key insights about your ideal partnership. Together, we’ll identify patterns that have held you back and develop strategies to attract meaningful relationships.

This session will empower you with the mindset shifts necessary to attract love that complements your journey and shares your values. Let’s illuminate your path to relationship success, transforming your approach to love and creating connections that feel easy? 

This approach to relationship is designed to be deeply supportive to allow the client to understand themselves on a deeper level that allows great understanding and clarity.

Summer special for a short time! SUMMER25

Couple in embrace

"Do not be surprised how quickly the Universe responds once you have decided."