
Ditch Guilt: Four Steps to Your Next Chapter in Love

By Megan O'Neill / April 4, 2024 / Comments Off on Ditch Guilt: Four Steps to Your Next Chapter in Love

Guilt sucks and it doesn’t make you a better person. In reality, it has the opposite affect. You don’t become more conscious in relationships because you feel guilty about relationships in the past. In my work as a relationship coach, I’ve had the privilege of guiding many incredible women through the tumultuous seas of post-divorce…

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Building Trust After Heartbreak: Insights From Your Moon Sign

By Megan O'Neill / March 31, 2024 / Comments Off on Building Trust After Heartbreak: Insights From Your Moon Sign

  Bouncing back after a long-term relationship isn’t easy, especially when it involves trusting someone new. You’re left juggling fears of opening your heart again, repeating past mistakes, and feeling vulnerable to future pain. Trusting again is significant; it’s not just about moving forward but about opening your heart to potentially fulfilling connections. Reflecting on…

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Spring Cleaning For Relationship Mindset – Astrologically!

By Megan O'Neill / March 21, 2024 / Comments Off on Spring Cleaning For Relationship Mindset – Astrologically!

It’s officially spring, and I can personally vouch for it—my cat has started scratching, signalling that it’s time for flea treatment. Spring is not just about dealing with pests; it’s a season of renewal, growth, and new beginnings. The astrological calendar aligns with this spirit of rejuvenation as it resets with the spring equinox, marking…

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Astrology’s Secret to Love: Discovering Compatibility Through Moon Signs

By Megan O'Neill / March 13, 2024 / Comments Off on Astrology’s Secret to Love: Discovering Compatibility Through Moon Signs

  So, let’s get real over this glass of wine (or maybe your coffee, if that’s more your thing). When it really comes down to it, what we’re all yearning for in a relationship isn’t too complex. It’s about that genuine, deep connection—something that just feels like home, doesn’t it? First things first, a solid…

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Embracing Your Story: Understanding Childhood Beliefs and Their Impact on Our Relationships

By Megan O'Neill / February 27, 2024 / Comments Off on Embracing Your Story: Understanding Childhood Beliefs and Their Impact on Our Relationships

  Today, I want to delve into a topic that’s close to many of our hearts: the profound impact our childhood beliefs have on our adult relationships. Whether you’re sipping on your morning coffee or taking a moment for yourself after a long day, let’s have a heart-to-heart about how those early imprints shape the…

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Discovering Your Path Through Astrocartography with Astrologer Meg Knox-Davies

By Megan O'Neill / February 20, 2024 / Comments Off on Discovering Your Path Through Astrocartography with Astrologer Meg Knox-Davies

Hey there, fellow stargazers! 🌟 In a recent episode of *Stars and Hearts*, I had the delightful opportunity to chat with Meg Knox-Davies, a guru in the mystical world of evolutionary astrology and astro-cartography. Imagine my excitement as we dived deep into how astrocartography can be a game-changer in personal growth and finding true love! For…

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Aquarius Hearts: Are They Emotionally Available?

By Megan O'Neill / February 13, 2024 / Comments Off on Aquarius Hearts: Are They Emotionally Available?

  It’s Aquarius Season and on my latest episode Stars and Hearts, we dive deep into the cosmic dance of love and relationships. Today, we’re delving into the enigmatic world of Aquarius partners, exploring what it’s like to embark on an emotional journey with these visionary beings. So grab a cozy blanket, brew a cup…

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Pluto in Aquarius: The Barbie Revolution Begins

By Megan O'Neill / January 22, 2024 / Comments Off on Pluto in Aquarius: The Barbie Revolution Begins

    I’m so excited to chat with you about something pretty cosmic today – Pluto’s big move into Aquarius! Yes, you heard it right, Pluto has set up shop in Aquarius, and it’s been a whopping 226 years since it last visited this sign (way back from 1178 to 1798). Let’s take a quick…

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New Year’s Resolutions: How Your Astrology Sign Impacts Your Approach

By Megan O'Neill / January 10, 2024 / Comments Off on New Year’s Resolutions: How Your Astrology Sign Impacts Your Approach

  As we step into the threshold of a new year, our hearts and minds are often filled with resolutions and aspirations for the journey ahead. It’s a time of self-reflection, growth, and the prospect of embracing positive change. But have you ever found yourself wondering why some individuals enthusiastically embrace New Year’s resolutions, while…

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Capricorn Season: Here’s What a Relationship Might Be with a Capricorn Partner

By Megan O'Neill / December 21, 2023 / Comments Off on Capricorn Season: Here’s What a Relationship Might Be with a Capricorn Partner

  It’s Capricorn season tomorrow and my 23rd wedding anniversary. I married an Aquarius Sun sign with a stellium in Sagitarrius which means, he operates So what if I had married a Capricorn Sun? What would that relationship be with a Capricorn partner instead of an Aquarius (we’ll get to that personality next month!) as…

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