Capricorn New Moon: Release to Make Space To Manifest

The Full Moon in the Earth sign Capricorn rises on July 3, 2023, at 7:39 a.m. EST. “The Full Moon generally considered to make the end of the lunar cycle,” according to Astrologer Yasmin Boland, “the Full Moon is about peaking and releasing the old. In other words, it is a powerful time to let go of toxic thoughts and patterns”. The light from the Full Moon helps you to shine light on what needs a little more clarity and TLC.
 Can you carve time to reflect and release? It is a particularly good time for forgiveness. We need to clean up old negative energy and emotion to create more space for abundance. By releasing pent-up energy, we manifest what we want. The Capricorn Full Moon is especially good for Taureans, Cancerians, Virgos, Scorpios, Capricorns and Pisces. For everyone else, it’s not as good.
Use the energy of this New Moon, Capricorn to start a plan of action. Let go of the doubt you may feel. Capricorn energy brings a sense of practicality, ambition, and discipline. It’s good for thinking about your life’s work and where you might be blocked in your ambition or goals.
Capricorn Moon offers an opportunity you to ask within:
Do expect too much of myself?
Can I find balance in my commitment to my career and family?
Who should I forgive that will allow me to expand further?
I like to try to carve out a little ritual during the Full Moon period to try to see where things are out of balance. I get my journal, light my essential oil diffuser with relaxing oils like lavender or bergamot. Sage is also a traditional cleansing herb.  I try to let go of old hurts or expectations so I can forgive others and myself.
                             “What is within surrounds us
Heads up. Coming at the end of July is Venus Retrograde in Leo. It is going to be a time that encourages us to prioritize introspection and revision around relationships, pleasure, money, and beauty.—I am so proud to announce that we are launching the new group program Soulful Study to Love. It is designed to help those women to create building blocks to a better relationship with themselves and romantically, but with an astrological point of view.
Consider this your personal invitation to dive deep with me into understanding what is going to help you reclaim your romantic confidence. Something beautiful is awaiting you on the other side of this Venus season. To be the first to receive my special offer, click here!
I can’t wait for you to join me. I have no doubt that it is going to be quite an adventure.
Feel like this is your time to dig deep and see what needs to be seen and activated? Schedule a call, and let’s chat. Click here