The Best Way to Use Astrology to Unlock Your Authentic Self

In today’s fast-paced, success-driven world, many of us feel a deep yearning to reconnect with our authentic selves. It’s something I see often with my clients, especially those stepping back into the world of dating after a significant life change. The desire to be seen for who we truly are—whether in personal relationships or professional settings—is often overshadowed by the fear of judgment or rejection.


But what does it really mean to be your authentic self? For someone like Michelle, one of my dear clients, this question can feel particularly relevant. As a single woman and caring mother who’s come through a challenging divorce, Michelle has shown tremendous resilience. She’s built a reservoir of self-belief and confidence from her experiences. Yet, like so many women in similar situations, she hears that little voice telling her to hold back in romantic relationships. It whispers that if she wants love, she has to tone down her true self.


What Does Authenticity Mean?


At its core, being authentic is about showing up as the truest version of yourself. It’s about aligning your actions, words, and thoughts with your core beliefs, even when it feels uncomfortable. Authenticity is also about vulnerability—allowing yourself to be seen, flaws and all, without fear of how others might perceive you.


For women like Michelle, the journey to authenticity often involves shedding layers of family and societal conditioning. Many of us were taught early on to be agreeable, to be liked, and to avoid conflict at all costs. We have tons of subconscious beliefs that block us. I remember my own mother telling me that being agreeable was about safety—sometimes even physical safety. These messages can stick with us, shaping the way we ‘do’ relationships. It’s automatic beliefs we are not always aware we still possess. 


In my work with couples and individuals over the years, I’ve seen that the inability to be authentic starts early in a relationship—sometimes right from the first date. We tend to accommodate too much, too soon. Take one of my former clients, for example. Her boyfriend was always late, even when she emphasized how important certain events were to her. It drove her crazy, but she didn’t want to seem demanding. Fast forward a few years into their marriage, and this became a significant issue. The truth is, she didn’t stand firm on what mattered to her from the start. She was too afraid she would lose him if she was authentic. 


Not being authentic has a big price when it comes to building a foundation of trust and honesty in a relationship. Being true to yourself isn’t just about self-expression; it’s about creating real, lasting trust. And from an astrological perspective, this becomes even more important. As someone with a strong Gemini influence, I NEED communication. It’s literally my love language. Information flows from me naturally, and I ask a lot of questions—it’s how I connect.


For someone with a Cancer Sun, being authentic might look different. They may crave affection as their love language. As much as we can stiffly 


How Astrology Can Help You Be More Authentic


We all come into the world with a form of ‘protection’—our Ascendant, also known as our rising sign. It’s the first sign on the horizon at the moment you were born and is one of the most important parts of your natal chart. Think of it as the mask you wear when people first meet you—it’s their initial impression of who you are. I always tell my clients who are dating and getting serious that this rising sign is helpful initially, but it’s meant to be temporary. Over time, you need to let people see the real you.


If you’re curious about your ascendant and how it shapes first impressions, feel free to check out my previous blog on this topic.



Now, let’s talk about your Sun sign. While some people don’t resonate as strongly with their Sun sign, it’s still a critical part of who you are. It represents your ego and sense of self—it’s where you get your energy, where you truly feel alive. When you let go of old beliefs about who you ‘should’ be and just embrace who you are, you’ll feel most aligned with your Sun sign. Anyone worth building a meaningful relationship with will love you for those qualities. The truth is, your Sun sign will shine through no matter what—just as my husband discovered after getting to know my authentic  Gemini self, constant questions and all.


Why Now Is the Time to Embrace Your Authentic Self


There’s no better time than now to start living as your authentic self. For women like Michelle, who are at a pivotal point in life—balancing professional success with personal fulfillment—embracing authenticity is the key to unlocking true connection. She doesn’t *need* a romantic partner, but she wants someone who genuinely cares about what’s going on in her life.


If you’re ready to step into your power and become the person you were always meant to be, I invite you to take the first step. Start by acknowledging your fears, visualizing your authentic self, and challenging the beliefs that are holding you back. With time, practice, and support, you’ll start to see the transformation unfold.


Becoming your authentic self isn’t something that happens overnight, but it’s a journey that’s well worth taking. As you commit to this process, you’ll find not only peace and fulfillment in both your personal and professional life, but also the space for deeper, more meaningful connections with others.


So ask yourself: What would it feel like to be truly authentic? And how can you start living that way today?


If you’re ready to explore your authentic self on a deeper level and uncover the beliefs that are holding you back, my Astromindset approach can guide you. This unique blend of astrology and mindset work is designed to help you align with your true self, break free from limiting patterns, and embrace the confidence and clarity you deserve. Visit to learn more about how Astromindset can transform your relationships and your life. Let’s get started on the path to becoming the most authentic version of you.