Virgo Dating: Here’s How To Find Mr Almost Perfect


If there’s one sign I feel deeply connected to, it’s Virgo. My family is filled with Virgos or those with Virgo prominently in their big three (Sun, Moon, or Rising), and I have a close circle of Virgo friends. As a fellow Mercury sign, I love the intelligent conversations we share, but it’s more than that—I’m drawn to their dry sense of humor and their refusal to tolerate boorish behaviour. They can’t handle gross people! They’re also my friends because they ooze integrity, and while their fussiness may seem like a quirk to others, it’s something I appreciate. They have their standards!

I also have my South Node in Virgo, which ties me to Virgo energy on a soul level. The South Node placement reflects past life experiences—who I was, what I learned, and where my soul left off. It’s no wonder I feel so at home with Virgos. I admire their analytical minds, attention to detail, and strong sense of duty. Often described as craftsmen, they methodically approach their work with patience and a drive to develop their skills.

But my Virgo friends often struggle with what I call the “perfectionist’s dilemma.” Their dedication to honing their craft can lead to a relentless pursuit of perfection. Interestingly, Virgos make up the largest group of Sun signs among my clients, naturally drawn to mindset work and shedding old beliefs to improve themselves—though they’re already pretty amazing as they are.

This perfectionist streak tends to show up most in their pursuit of romantic relationships. Virgos are known for being particularly discerning when it comes to partners, often finding fault in those they date. I remember when my mom, who has a Virgo Moon, re-entered the dating scene after her divorce. After every date, I’d find myself asking, “So, what was wrong with this one?”

So how do Virgos find lasting love? I often suggest they consider pairing up with another Virgo—who better to understand them? But more importantly, I encourage my beautiful Virgo friends to examine the beliefs underlying their fussiness. Is it truly about high standards, or is it a fear of making mistakes? Virgos hate making mistakes, but here’s the thing: mistakes are actually a way of refining through process of elimination. They’re an opportunity to fine-tune relationship skills.

So, dear Virgos, embrace the occasional misstep—it’s part of your journey toward finding something truly great.

Do you need support to move forward from “I’d rather stay at home to watch Netflix than go on another annoying date” to moving toward meeting the special someone who feels like the person you want to hang on the couch to watch Netflix! Understanding how each of us trusts can be made easier by understanding your natal moon. Get my free Lunar Trust Blueprint Guide here 

My work with clients for over twenty three years has been about stepping into a refined version of who you already are. Learn more here