What Libra Can Teach You About Building Strong, Lasting Love

There’s a book called “The Big Leap” that talks about what the author calls our “zone of genius.” Basically, it’s the idea that everyone has a natural strength or talent that comes easily to them. For Libras, that zone is all about relationships. Libras think about relationships a lot. Connecting with others is their sweet spot; it’s what they were born to explore – what makes us tick and what makes us connect deeply with one another.
In my years of working with couples and women, I’ve seen how Libras’ natural relationship skills create the perfect ground for healthy, supportive connections. Just the other day, a bunch of Libras jumped on Facebook to tell me how amazing and supportive their partners are. It’s no coincidence! Libras have a drive to relate to others in a way that promotes equality and fairness. That’s why you’ll often find them in fields like law or diplomacy.
When I work with relationship clients, I always try to emphasize this: when you go into a conversation with your partner, take on the mindset of a diplomat who’s there to make a deal. Listen, try to understand, and most importantly, walk in with an open heart. It’s not about getting exactly what you want—it’s about creating a connection.
Now, let’s be real—we don’t live in a world where everything is always sunshine and rainbows, and it’s not always easy to be patient and open, especially when you’ve been hurt before. But this is where keeping a “Libra mindset” comes in handy. To build that trusting, mutually supportive relationship that so many of us crave, you need to listen deeply and understand where your partner is coming from—their past, their needs, their motivations. You don’t have to agree, but stepping into their shoes makes all the difference.
Take my husband, for example. He’s an Aquarius and a vegetarian. I grew up with meat-eating men and learned to cook that way. Plus, let’s just say cooking isn’t exactly his strong suit. But his belief system around animal cruelty and non-violence runs deep (so very Aquarian).
We’ve been happily together for 27 years, and a huge part of that has been me taking the time to understand his values and his history. Libras love to talk about values, and honestly, never underestimate how much someone’s past shapes their values.
Fairness and equality in our relationship didn’t come from him becoming a master chef. He picks up the slack in areas I dislike or am not good at, and we find balance that way.
Great relationships don’t happen overnight. They’re built through daily interactions—through listening, learning, and creating trust. In my experience, using the Libra approach of understanding and fairness is a powerful way to build that foundation of trust. Without trust, there’s really no such thing as a good, lasting relationship.
If you want to dive deeper into the power of trust in relationships—something I’ve spent countless hours teaching and working on—check out my mini-course, Trustworthy.
Navigating the world solo has its perks, and you’ve likely mastered it, crafting a life as cool and engaging as a well-curated playlist. But pause for a moment and imagine a partnership that’s the perfect harmony to your melody—easy, enriching, and incredibly supportive. Ready to imagine that it’s possible?
Introducing “Trustworthy,” my labor of love, a course born from deep conversations with clients overcoming the post-breakup blues. This course is all about embracing trust, both emotionally and practically, one gentle step at a time.
I created this short course for my busy clients and friends to lay the foundation for what I know to be the glue of good relationships—not only romantically but also with friends, children, and clients. We reveal our true selves, warts and all, when we trust someone. I’m still in my marriage because I’ve applied the steps I teach in this course.


Trustworthy is for you if you want to…
  • For those who find opening up as daunting as leaping over a giant puddle: We’re making those leaps into small, manageable steps.
  • If past love stories feel like cautionary tales: It’s time for a genre switch—from tragedy to growth and healing.
  • For anyone whose inner critic won’t stop nagging: Let’s turn down the volume and boost your inner cheerleader.
  • Feel empowered and excited about your next relationship!



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