Discover How Your Sun Sign Can Boost Your Business


Over the years, I’ve worked with many clients who, like me, have often felt alone on their business journey. Wandering through the maze without a clear path can be incredibly frustrating. Even when you’re part of a community or a Mastermind group, it’s easy to feel like just another face in the crowd. The only time I got that much-needed one-on-one attention was during my yearly hot seat session, and let’s be real—that’s not nearly enough.

Without a business partner or a supportive team, you’re often left to brainstorm on your own, trying to find clarity where you need it most. And here’s where many of us struggle—we don’t always see our own strengths clearly. What comes naturally to us, what we might even take for granted, could be exactly what others need most. Yet, we often miss out on monetizing these obvious skills and strengths.

That’s why I created this Sun Sign Focus Cheat Sheet with you in mind—to help you find clarity and focus in your business by tapping into the natural strengths of your zodiac sign. It’s easy to overlook our own superpowers, but when we align our business strategies with who we truly are, the results can be transformative.

So, what are your strengths? Are you naturally gifted at streamlining like a Virgo Sun sign? Or do you feel the pull to create a business that offers more travel, like those with lots of Sagittarius energy in their chart? If you know your Sun sign and want to explore your business or personal life in a new way, this cheat sheet is for you.

The cheat sheet offers practical advice on where your Sun sign shines and how you can harness this energy to steer your business in the right direction.

For example, take the super successful Aquarius businesswoman Rachel Rodgers. She channels her Aquarius energy to build a strong, inclusive community, particularly among POC and LGBTQ+ folks who have been overlooked. These deep connections and loyalty have directly contributed to her business’s success and profitability. And yes, she consults an astrologer to help her gain clarity. You can do the same.

As a certified Business Astrologer with over twenty-three years of experience in mindset therapy, I’ve tailored my approach to support women in a way that’s as unique as you are. You’re not a one-size-fits-all, and neither is your journey.

That’s why I created the Magical Brainstorming Session—two hours of diving deep with me to gain clarity and find your path to success. To learn more, click here

In the meantime, grab your cheat sheet and use your Sun sign to guide your business decisions.

You’ve got this!